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Divine names of Creator & Son lost in multiple translations with history & time?

Acts 4:12 Philippians 2:9

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The sound the letter (J) makes has never existed in the Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek or Latin languages. This fact is why no one in Yasha's day could have accurately pronounced the English name Jesus. Sometime during the early 12th century, (J) began showing up in some obscure dialects of the Middle English language. Over the course of the next 500 years, infatuation with the new sound caused letters like (I) and (Y) in the English language to be replaced by a (J). This was especially true of male names that began with (I) or (Y) because the hard sound was, again, considered more masculine. Names like lames became "James", Yohan became "John", and so on. During this period, in 1384 John Wycliffe translated the New Testament to English for the first time. His only source was the Latin Vulgate. Wycliffe continued to use the Latin spelling and pronunciation of lesus. The printing press had not yet been invented and only a few hand-written copies of Wycliffe's Bible were produced. In the 1450's, Gutenburg invented the printing press. Then in 1526 William Tyndale translated the New Testament to the English language from the Latin Vulgate along with the additional help of some ancient Greek manuscripts. Tyndale wanted the Bible translated into the language of the common people and many copies of his translation were printed with the help of the printing press. Tyndale was the first to use the letter (J) in the spelling of the name Jesus. His real name is Yasha! Which means Saviour in Hebrew https://biblehub.com/hebrew/3467.htm


Ahayah is the CREATOR and Yashaya is the Son that was born likely in September.

Christmas Dec 25th?

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Krampus is SantaKrampus is SantaKrampus is SantaKrampus is Santa

⚠️People support this? Santa used to be called Krampus & was a demon that would come. Kids would leave apples to keep demon Krampus away and now it's called santa 🔥Article: Krampus – The demon of Christmas 🎬Link: http://www.heritagedaily.com/.../krampus-the-demon.../142026 👉Whilst Saint Nicolas rewards the well-behaved with gifts, children who misbehaved are visited by Krampus (sometimes with Saint Nicolas), a horned, anthropomorphic figure described as a “half-goat, half-demon” on Krampus Night or Krampusnacht (December 5th). 👉Krampus derived from the German word “krampen”, meaning claw has appeared in various depictions, most commonly as a hairy creature with cloven hooves, the horns of a goat, and a large snake-like tongue. In some depictions, he is presented carrying chains, thought to symbolise the binding of the Devil by the Christian Church. 👉Naughty children would find themselves beaten with birch branches or a whip, with the most sinful being snatched away in a sack or basket, with the intent to devour, drown, torture, or carry back to hell #santa #santaclaus #christmas #truth #christmastrees #christmasseason #season #seasons #frosty #frostysnoman #snow #winter #gifts #christmasgifts #viral #reindeer #december #december25 #deliverance #demons #demon #devil #europe #krampusnacht #krampus

The Messiah Birthday, Christmas has been shifted to a satanic winter solstice of Saturnalia, with Black Friday being shifted in slowly, year by year they are turning white into black. 

Natalis Solis Invicti ("Unconquered Sun") was the official sun god of the later Roman Empire, this is which the Catholic Church instituted as Christmas.

December 25th is the birth date of Tammuz, the Babylonian sun god or the Egyptian sun god Ra! That is whom you are celebrating on Christmas!

Sukkot, the true time of the birth of Yâsha' the Messiah. Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles, is a Hebrew holiday that lasts for 7 days and takes place during the Fall. It is at this time that Yâsha' the Messiah was born, contrary to the belief that He was born on December 25th. There is no Scriptural authority to claim that our Messiah was born on December 25th. In fact most Biblical Scholars agree that He was not born in December at all.

Lets see the facts which indicate that Yâsha' was born during Sukkot, on the Fall: When Yâsha' was born the shepherds were at watch in their fields (Luke 2:8) which could not have been in the Winter. In Israel, temperatures in the night at winter can be as low as 0°C. The Scriptures mentions that Bethlehem was "booked solid". This would not have been due to the census which would have taken place over the period of a year. Every Hebrew was required to come to Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) for Sukkot (Deuteronomy 16:16) this would have over run Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) as well as Bethlehem just five miles away. Yâsha' was born in a stable. The Hebrew word for "stable" is "sukkah" (as in Genesis 33:17) so it is likely that Yâsha' was born in a Sukkah/booth. Sukkot is symbolic of God dwelling in a "tabernacle" (body) with us. The Name Amanuil, meaning "Ahâyâh with us", was also given to Yâsha' in fulfillment of Isaiah 7:14 as stated in Matthew 1:2-3. Now in Matthew 2:7-8, Herod kills all the children two and under. The fact that he killed such a wide range indicates that he did not know quite how long ago Messiah had been born. YASHA's parents fled to Mitsrayim (Egypt) until they heard Herod was dead. They were back in Bethlehem in time to perform Maryam purification and YASHA's dedication on the 40th day after YASHA's birth (as required by Torah) (Luke 2:22-38). (as it is written in the Torah Law of Ahâyâh, "every firstborn male is to be consecrated to Ahâyâh" and to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the Torah Law of Ahâyâh: "a pair of doves or two young pigeons." By this time Herod had to be dead or they could not have come to the Temple in Yerushalayim (Jerusalem). Herod had to have died during the 40 days between YASHA's birth, and his dedication 40 days later. Herod is known to have died sometime in the fall of 4 B.C.E So Yâsha' had to have been born in the fall and this also indicates that Yâsha' was born in 4 BCE. The Feast of Sukkot was a time of rejoicing for the Hebrew people. We read in Deut 16:13-14 that the key aspect of the Feast was rejoicing in AHAYAH. The impact of the Feast upon the Israelites was so significant that the feast of Tabernacles came to be known as the "Feast of Ahâyâh" or more simply "The Feast." Sukkot is known as "The season of our rejoicing", also "the season of our Joy", a fitting time AHAYAH would choose for His Son to be born in the world. And a fitting time for all to rejoice in the Salvation that AHAYAH has given us through HIS SON. Psalm 35:9 Then my soul will rejoice in Ahâyâh and delight in his salvation. When the angels appeared to the shepherds they said "Behold, we have come to declare to you glad tidings of great joy." (Luke 2:10-11). This statement closely echos the ancient Sukkot liturgy. In the Scriptures, the Prophet Zechariah spoke a significant Prophecy concerning Sukkot / The Feast of Tabernacles. In the end of days, and after the time of Jacob's trouble, the Great Tribulation, Israel and all the other nations will be commanded to come to Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) to celebrate Sukkot / The Feast of Tabernacles (Zechariah 14:16). Zechariah's prophecy proves that AHAYAH has not done away with this Hebrew Feast and that it still stands, no matter what manmade doctrines say about the Hebrew Feasts. Sukkot is truly an anointed Feast of Great Importance to AHAYAH, and evidence points to this time as the time of YASHA's true time of birth.

According to Old Testament prophecy, Zacharias 14:16; combining, too, the fact of Christ's death in Nisan with Daniel's prophecy of a three and one- half years' ministry (9:27), the birth of Jesus occurs during Tisri, September/ October

- The Catholic Encyclopedia

Using the chronology in the gospel of Luke, it is quite clear that Messiah was born during the Feast of Tabernacles (Booths) called "Sukkot", during the Jewish month of Tishri, October...

However, there is no such evidence in the Scriptures, or elsewhere, that would indicate that Yâsha' was born on December 25th. In fact, there is nothing Christian about the date of December 25th at all and this date is Pagan in it's origin. This date was traditionally the celebrated birthday of Nimrod and coincides with the dates of the pagan celebrations of the Winter Solstice, Yule, and Saturnalia and Kalends to name a few. The reason why this date is now celebrated as Christmas dates back to Constantine's reign as Roman Emperor. When Constantine was emperor, there was constant conflict between the Christians and the heathen pagans. The Roman Empire was falling apart. He tried to bring peace to his kingdom by merging the beliefs of the two. What resulted was the compromise of Christian religion with pagan religion. Out of this evil compromise, the Catholic Church came to existence with many elements of paganism in its religion such as Marian worship; and similarly the feast of Christmas was instituted by Constantine on the pagan date of the Winter Solstice and Saturnalia. Constantine instituted this new holiday that allowed the Christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus on the same day so everyone in his Kingdom would be celebrating. Before this, there is no evidence whatsoever of the Early Church celebrating anything on this day and the same can be said about the other Christians before Constantine's reign. Christmas incorporates many elements of pagan religion, for instance: what is called a "Christmas tree", the Yule log, and the use of mistletoe, holly, and the wreaths. Concerning the Christmas tree: The morning after the Yule log was burned, pagans would erect a tree and decorate it and surround it with presents. This represented new life to the Child-king. A couple of days after the "Holly kings" death, he came again as the "Oak King". This practice dates back to ancient Babylon as Jeremiah 10:2-5 states: For the customs of the people are vain: for one cuts a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. Sound familiar? Concerning the Yule log. HE YULE LOG. This custom of burning the yule log began with the ancient Scandinavians who once a year burned a huge log in honour of their god Thor. After they became Christians, they made the yule log an important part of the Christmas ceremonies. This was burned in honour of their child-god and the next day after the burning of the log they would set up a tree decorated and surrounded with presents. This represented new life. I think it is obvious that Thor is a heathen god and any ties to him are ties to false religion. Concerning the Mistletoe. MISTLETOE The mistletoe of the sacred oak was especially sacred to the ancient Celtic Druids. On the sixth night of the moon white-robed Druid priests would cut the oak mistletoe with a golden sickle. Two white bulls would be sacrificed amid prayers that the recipients of the mistletoe would prosper. The custom of using mistletoe to decorate houses at Christmas is a survival of the Druid and other pre-Christian traditions' It was yet another instance where Christmas has strong ties with false religions, pagan practices. Concerning the Holly. HOLLY This time of year for the pagans was to mourn their "Holly king" who died around the 21st of December. Also the teutonic peoples placed holly and other evergreens inside their houses to protect from evil spirits and bad winter weather. SANTA CLAUS And what of Jolly St. Nick? He is an innocent happy, jolly being right? Names after patron saint St. Nicholas right? Well, the only two things that modern St. Nick can claim from the real St. Nicholas are his name and his kindness to children. From there, the rest of the myth and tradition was added to mostly from the pagan god Thor. Thor lived up north at the top of the world in the Polar Regions. He battled ice and snow to come to our parts of the world. He has a sleigh that was driven by goats. He doled out punishments to bad children and presents to well behaved children. (Knows if you have been naughty or nice). Two of his reindeer are named after pagan gods. Cupid (god of sexual love) and Donner (god of thunder). Many pagan cultures worshipped a hearth god who wore red, entered the house through the chimney, blessed those who pleased him and cursed those who didn't. Food was left to appease this god. Taiwan still has a hearth god that appears on the 24th day of the 12th month to report the status of mankind to the heavens. Leaving the milk and cookies to St. Nick under the tree dates back far enough that Ezekiel warns against it... Ezekiel 6:13 That they offered sweet savours to their idols under every green tree. All of these are verified facts that can be checked on the internet concerning the pagan practices of Christmas. We should avoid this festival that has its roots in paganism and celebrate YASHA's birthday on Sukkot, the true day of His Birth. What about Carol Songs? By all means, we should listen to them and be blessed by them; but the right time is during Sukkot / The feast of the Tabernacles, the true time of the birth of Yâsha'. We should walk as Yâsha' walked, for it is written: whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Yâsha' did (1 John 2:6). ucy Yâsha' our Messiah would have nothing to do with any of these pagan practices. He came into this world as the Light of the world to bring those who lived in darkness to Salvation, including those involved in pagan practices. You are not held accountable for what you did not know, but now you are held accountable for what you do. Let us repent (Turn away from) doing things man's way, or the world's way and not God's way. Happy Birthday Yâsha'!!! Now it is appropriate to finish this write up with a Carol Song, in honour of YASHA's birth and the Salvation that He has brought to us by His Blood. Hark the Herald Angels Sing: Glory to the New Born King!

More proof found here;

The Two Babylons or Papal Worship provided to be the Worship of Nimrod and his wife by Alexander Hislop, Chapter III Festivals Section 1. Christmas and Lady Day pg. 57-61

While this book has the wrong holy names, it does have a good summary on Christmas and other topics.

Vain Traditions Paganism and the roots of Christianity pg. 39-44 www.vaintraditions.com

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